Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Future Freaks Me Out

I’m terrified by the future. Specifically, the vast array of possibilities it holds. It’s not that I want the future to be fated or predestined or anything, because I don’t. I’m very glad the future is in flux and what I do today can change tomorrow. It makes for interesting concepts such as the many-worlds interpretation. My issue is in the fact that there are so many variables that planning, while not entirely pointless, is not as useful as I’d like it to be.
For example, when applying to colleges and universities, a high school student could have a mental plan of attending a certain university and getting a certain degree. They may even have a future job in mind. However, in order to achieve this plan, the student must be accepted into the desired university, they may have to be accepted into their desired major, they must pass classes associated with their desired major, graduate on time, and if they had a job in mind then that particular employer or field needs to be hiring when they graduate. (These are just a few examples of variables.) It’s true that certain of these variables are somewhat, if not mostly, in the hands of the student by way of their grades and efforts. However, certain variables are out of their control, such as the state of hiring in the student’s desired field or at their desired employer. That’s not even considering the incredible myriad of outside variables that can’t even be accounted for, such as natural disaster, economic shifts, etc.
The latter two groups of variables, the uncontrollable and outside variables, that terrify me the most. When I look to the future and try to decide what my ideal future is, it’s hard to hope for something when there are so many potential issues in the way. And yet, I can’t help but hope. It’s in my nature as a human and optimist, and it’s part of my personality. So I’m forced to ask myself: is it wrong or bad to hope for a future in a world of such vast possibilities? Is it best to set expectations low and be surprised when the future turns out how you may have wanted it, or is it best to hope for something so you can work towards it? I can’t claim to have the answer, but I personally believe that hope is one of the most crucial parts of being human. Without hope, many people fall into states of depression and perceived helplessness. It’s why things ranging from horoscopes to religion exist. They provide people with hope, some promise of a good future.
I can’t pretend I’m not terrified of the future, that I might not even approach the future I hope for. The best I can do is hope for a good future, be it a specific future or a generally good future, and work towards that future.
Hoping for nothing but the best for you,

I’m Michael, and this is my life.

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